As we move through life and focus on our goals we may find that certain family stories come up. This happens when we are first time business owners or desiring to bring our expertise to the online space. Fears around not enough experience, fear of failure or even success can hold us back. Many of our fears and mindsets are inherited or acquired through our family and/or own experience of the world.
Ancestral Hypnosis Healing is a system I've created over my two decades in hypnosis, it is a spiritually-grounded hypnosis that allows each client to experience the "core" story of limiting beliefs and repetitive powers that have been limiting their lives and businesses. Through the safe process of hypnosis where we relax deeply, focus in on our inner resources and release the everyday conscious mind we can access new habits that support our success in life and business. The outcome of even one hypnosis session empowers, helps to nurture and repair relationships with ourselves , our living and deceased family as well as Mother Earth and to expand in their online businesses unfettered by ingrained fears or doubts.
So many of us especially during the Pandemic have been feeling repressed, old trauma, fear and anxiety rise up. The pain of colonialism, oppression and cultural and spiritual wounding runs through our mind, spirit- and bodies.
The weight of the stories, habits, lifestyles and patterns we carry can create unconscious ways of being that contradict what our conscious desires are! We keep playing out stories like," Men are all bad" and "never trust a woman" as well as " money doesn't grow on tress" among many other receptive family beliefs that now, show up unconsciously.
Our Ancestral Lineage carries gifts of deep knowing, our sacred "medicina" medicine and is a salve to our Souls when we can meet that inner knowing without criticism, over analyzing or fears. Ancestral lineage repair through hypnosis is a powerful way to uncover, forgive and release unconscious ways of being while embracing more deeply our talents and gifts.
Release inherited baggage and RISE in a rooted and grounded confident way in the world now! Book a Chat and Let's talk about this!